Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten
What is VPK?
VPK is a free program offered to 4-year-old children to give them the necessary skills to prepare them for Kindergarten.
A constitutional amendment passed by Florida's voters in November 2002 required a Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) program for all 4-year-old children by fall 2005. House Bill I-A was signed into law by Governor Bush on January 2nd, 2005, creating a program designed to prepare 4-year-olds for kindergarten and build the foundation for their educational success. The program allows a parent to enroll his or her eligible child (4 years old by September 1st and residing in Florida) in a free VPK program. The program is voluntary for children and providers.
What Curriculum does VPSjr use?
Victory Preschool proudly follows the FROG STREET Curriculum. For more information on the FROG STREET Curriculum please visit https://www.frogstreet.com/curriculum/
Steps to enroll in VPK
Visit the ECS website linked here and choose 'Apply for Voluntary Prekindergarten'.
Create an account.
Fill out the application (*note you will need proof of residency in St. Johns County and proof of your child's age).
Check that you filled out all information correctly, if anything is missing you will not receive a certificate.
Check your email regularly, once you are approved you will receive an email directing you back to your account to print your certificate.
Print off your certificate
Bring your certificate into the Victory Preschool front office
Quick Links for more VPK Information
VPK Information:
Apply for scholarships:
Career Navigator Info: